Hey Everyone!
I would like to introduce myself as the creator of Kingston Equestrian. My name is Kate, I am an equestrian from Australia with a passion for equestrian fashion! I made and run this business all by myself, I'm the design team, the marketing team, content creator, packaging team the official photographer (even model sometimes! It's tricky when you are taking the photos yourself!) literally everything! But I love every moment of it all.

It all started when I had gotten my first horse Brigalow several years ago and I made an Instagram to post pictures of him. At this time I used to ride in chunky cream johdpers, short boots, white helmet (without a brim) and a Harry Potter t-shirt. However on Instagram, I discovered the glorious world of equestrian fashion. I feel in love with the products, the designs, the styles, colours, ideas, revolutions and eveything possible about it. And back in 2018 I picked up my pencil and began to start drawing my own designs. Over the years, I came up with great ideas (and better designing skills) that combine unique designs, with the latest trends.

I'm always getting in more samples, designing and planning the next products. This is just the very start.

Thank you so much to everyone who is here at the very start, supporting my small business, and one day, fingers crossed, all the hardwork will pay off and Kingston Equestrian will be one of the well recognised, big names of the equestrian world.

Thank you again for being here at the start.
From one equestrian to another,
Thank you x